myself and I

I am Angelo Valentino.

I was born in London in black and white.

I have been working on large public Art since since I left college, I am motivated to creating and installing large public Artworks for the want of seeing each work become real and the purity of "one to many" communication though Art. I leave my public installation work anonymously, in busy or significant places around the world.

I wrote my own Artist's Protocols and Principles on my 22nd birthday, and have stood by them ever since.

I continue making public "ART" as I have inspiration and funds.

Over my the last couple of decades, I have done a lot of other things out of interest or passion; including making some Art films, publishing Art books and magazines, working with all sorts of brilliant people as a consultant in various guises, researched psychology, I was a pioneer in early digital Art photography, online mass education and AI. I don't interface with the Art establishment but I might have changed Art a little, by publishing an influential "white paper" outlining how to use data technology and artificial intelligence to authenticate Art while retaining transactional control for artists 😉

I periodically make "normal" mostly photographic Artwork (see below), and sell that, using most of the profits to finance the anonymous public projects. Some of this work has found a home with a few "enlightened" people, in major collection or two, with a few well know individuals and once in a while even bought by other Artists.

Thank you all and please keep it up... Life will be so much easier when they sell for seven figures each.

I mostly live in Bayswater, London, I spend some time traveling almost every month. If you would like to meet up in person, just get in touch, I always interested and honoured to know any of my collectors, but I don't give interviews or do publicity.

If you are buying an Artwork or just interested in Art - A huge thank you for your belief in Art, your support is truly appreciated.

Angelo Valentino